PAVLOVIĆZDRAVKOVIĆMLADENOVIĆTOMIĆMARJANOVIĆMORAVČEVIĆZdravković, Jasmina2024-09-112024-09-112022-09-231842-43090255-965X10.15835/nbha50312761Рад у међународном часопису (M 23)Many scientific researches proved the antioxidative impact of beet and its products. The use of vegetable juices is getting more popular in human diet. The way of storage plays an important role in preservation, long life and minimal variability of phytonutrients. The storage of products, usually in inappropriate conditions, leads to additional loss of phytonutrients, which have already been decreased by processing. In this research, we studied the impact of three ways of storage of pasteurised beet juice during one year, on content of some nutrients (total sugars, vitamin C, phenols and total antioxidative capacity). Pasteurised juice was stored in three ways: in light, at room temperature, in dark, at room temperature and in dark, at temperature of 4 °C. The change of content and differences have been followed during one month and confirmed with ANOVA and Tukey's test. The lowest changes of total sugars have been recorded in storage in dark at 4 °C, while in storage in light, the sugar content increased. The losses of vitamin C during one year of storage had linear trend of decrease. Antioxidative capacity of beet juice depends on concentration of phenol compounds and loss of these parameters was similar during period of one year. The best way of storage was dark place at low temperature.enCC0 1.0 Universal change of phytochemical profile in beet juice and the influence of different storage conditions during one yeararticle