Andjelković, SnežanaLugić, ZoranBabić, SnežanaMilenković, JasminaJevtić, GoranBekčić, FilipPetrović, Mirjana2024-12-242024-12-2420221311-0489 (Print)Рад у водећем часопису националног значаја (M 51)This study aimed to evaluate the impact of microbial inoculationon on yield parameters different cultivars red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). This plant species is economical significance is based on high potential for production of biomass with high content of crude protein in biomass. It is a legume well adapted to poorly drained soils and tolerant to lower soil pH and fertility. The experiment was set up in a greenhouse, in the semi-controlled conditions. For the purposes of research ten commercial red clover cultivars of different geographical origin were used. The inoculation was done using Streptomyces sp. (actinomycetes).enCC0 1.0 Universal cloveryield parametersinoculationcultivarThe response different cultivars of red clover to microbial inoculationarticle