Petrović, MirjanaZornic, VladimirRadović, JasminaRacić, NedeljkoSokolović, DejanJerinić, SvetlanaLugić, Zoran2024-07-272024-07-272023-10-05978-99976-816-1-4 International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2023” Saopštenje sa međunarodnog skupa štampano u celiniGrasslands are widespread terrestrial ecosystems with the primary agronomic importance of providing quality fodder for domestic animals. Recent studies have revealed that grasslands in Serbia have an unfavorable floristic composition and low yield, and that they are an insufficient and frequently improperly used resource. The goal of this study was to assess the condition of the grasslands in the Podrinje region using a sample of 49 farms' actively used grasslands. Each of the 49 grasslands was subjected to soil and biomass analyses. Soil laboratory analyses determined the pH value, mineral element content (N, P, K), and carbonate content, whereas biomass analyses determined crude protein content, fiber content (ADF and NDF), and fat content. According to Braun-Blanquet, phytocenological releve were taken on a portion of the grasslands. The results show that the majority of grasslands grow on soils with a low pH value (38), and that the 60% of biomass sampls had a low protein content (>8%), indicating a low nutritional value. Both the low amount of legumes in grasslands - 36 samples had less than 10% of legumes in biomass - and late mowing during the flowering and seed-ripening stages have been attributed for this condition. All farmers received instructions to take steps to improve the floristic composition of grasslands and, as a result, the quality of produced fodder, which will have a positive economic impact in the near future.enCC0 1.0 Universal animal feedHusbandryAN OVERVIEW OF THE CURRENT STATE OF GRASSLANDS IN THE PODRINJE REGION AS A SOURCE OF HEALTHY ANIMAL FEEDconferenceObject