Digitalna archive of the Instiitute for Forage Crops
Primary research results available.
- Institutional digital repository of the Institute for Forage Crops established in December 2023.
- Since April 2024. portal eNauka regularily harvests meta-data from RIFoC repository.
Contents of RIFoC
- Ustanova vodi poreklo od Uglednog dobra i vrta formiranog 2. februara 1884. godine odlukom Podružine kruševačke Srpskog poljoprivrednog društva na Drugom glavnom zboru a “na osnovu tvrdog uverenja da se neposrednim primernim radovima na oglednim dobrima, najjače i najbrže može dejstvovati na unapredjenje poljoprivrede narodne”. U toku svoje istorije, menjani su nazivi i delimično nadležnosti, a od 21. oktobra 1932. godine postaje naučna ustanova spajanjem Agrobotaničkog odseka Poljoprivredne ogledne i kontrolne stanice u Topčideru i Poljoprivredne stanice u Kruševcu
Recent Submissions
The effect of supplementing chestnut tannins on the productive results of finishing lambs fed rations deficient in metabolizable protein
(2022) Cekić, B.; Božičković, A.; Ružić-Muslić, D.; Marković, Jordan; Maksimović, N.; Stanisavljević, N.
Protein fractions as influenced by cultivars, stage of maturity and cutting dates in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)
(Agricultural Research Communication Center, 2019-05-08) Marković, Jordan; Petrović, Mirjana; Terzić, Dragan; Vasić, Tanja; Kostić, Ivica; Štrbanović, Ratibor; Grubić, G.
This study was undertaken to determine the relationship between CNCPS (Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System) protein fractions and in vitro RUP (Rumen Undegradable Protein) concentration and the variability of protein fractions among alfalfa cultivars grown in Serbia. Two cultivars of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) – Serbian cv K 28 and American cv G + 13R + CZ were sampled at three stages of maturity. Comparing the two cultivars of alfalfa (K 28 vs. G + 13R + CZ) means, there were significant differences in all protein fractions. Two investigated alfalfa cultivars differed significantly (p less than 0.01) in RUP content, cv G + 13R + CZ was higher in RUP than cv K 28. Stage of maturity had an effect on proportions of the protein fractions. From a nutritional and breeding point of view, cultivar such as G + 13R + CZ is desirable because it combine higher CP (Crude Protein) values with lower protein degradability than cv K 28.
Morphological and Chemical Characterization of a Collection of Mountain Clover Natural Populations
(Institutul Național de Cercetare Dezvoltare Agricolă Fundulea, 2022) Petrović, Mirjana; Lugić, Zoran; Zornic, Vladimir; Andjelković, Snežana; Tomić, Dalibor; Milenković, Jasmina; Jevtić, Goran
With climate change evident, the possibility opens up of introducing into production a species that, although not characterized by high yield, nevertheless offers some other benefits for both the environment and man. One of these species is mountain clover (Trifolium montanum L.), a species widespread around European in the past, but due to agricultural activities its habitat has become fragmented and areas of mountain clover impaired. In the present study, the collection of nine natural populations of mountain clover originating from different parts of the hilly-mountainous areas of Serbia was tested in field conditions. We analysed different morphological traits (green plant biomass, stem length, internode number, number of lateral branches, leaf length and leaf width), dry matter quality traits (content of crude proteins, crude fibre and crude fat) as well as secondary metabolites (total phenolic content, flavonoid contents and antioxidative activity). We collected morphological data and plant samples during 2011 and 2012. We performed descriptive statistics to provide basic information about variables in the dataset, then calculated Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H’) and performed two-way ANOVA and principal component analyses (PCA). Analysing the broad range of data collected during two years, we found considerable morphological and chemical diversity amongst the collection of mountain clovers from central Serbia. Mean coefficient of variation (CV) in the morphological dataset ranged from 18% (stem length) to 57.6% (plant biomass) in 2011 and from 16.5% (leaf length) to 70.6% (stem number) in 2012. Dry matter (DM) parameters displayed the lowest CV, ranging from 6.1% (crude proteins) to 14.8% (crude fat), indicating that these parameters were less discriminative within the study collection. Over all populations, average crude protein content was 19.5%, and average crude fibre content was 27.3%. Total phenolic contents (expressed as gallic acid equivalent, GAE) ranged from 49.8 to 89.7 mg GAE g-1 DM, and flavonoid contents (expressed as rutin, Ru, equivalent) ranged from 66.8 to 142 mg Ru g-1 DM. Average antioxidative activity expressed in terms of IC50 values ranged from 177 to 426 mg ml-1 of methanol extract.
Protein and carbohydrate profiles of a diploid and a tetraploid red clover cultivar
(Agricultural and Food Science, 2022-07-07) Marković, Jordan; Lazarević, Đorđe; Bekčić, Filip; Prijović, Mladen; Vasić; Živković; Štrbanović
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is characterized by high dry matter (DM) yield and a high nutritive value. It has a higher concentration of soluble carbohydrate than lucerne and its protein is less degradable in the rumen than lucerne protein. The aim of this study was to quantify the main crude protein (CP) and carbohydrate (CHO) fractions of a tetraploid (4n, cv K-32) and a diploid (2n, cv K-39) red clover cultivar harvested at three stages of development in the spring growth. Results showed that the cultivar and stage of development had a large impact on chemical composition and the protein and carbohydrate fractions determined by the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS). The rapidly degradable protein fraction (PA) was significantly higher in the tetraploid (272 to 287 g kg-1 CP with advancing plant development) than in the diploid red clover cultivar (214 to 268 g kg-1 CP). Rumen degradable carbohydrate concentration was not affected by cultivar but it was significantly influenced by the stage of development. The concentration of rumen degradable protein decreased from 726 to 655 g kg-1 CP with advancing plant development in the diploid red clover cultivar. In conclusion, the tetraploid red clover cultivar was higher in CP, its protein was more rapidly degradable, and it was characterized by lower concentrations of lignin and unavailable carbohydrate fractions than the diploid cultivar.
Actinobacteria-enhanced plant growth, nutrient acquisition, and crop protection: Advances in soil, plant, and microbial multifactorial interactions