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  • Ustanova vodi poreklo od Uglednog dobra i vrta formiranog 2. februara 1884. godine odlukom Podružine kruševačke Srpskog poljoprivrednog društva na Drugom glavnom zboru a “na osnovu tvrdog uverenja da se neposrednim primernim radovima na oglednim dobrima, najjače i najbrže može dejstvovati na unapredjenje poljoprivrede narodne”. U toku svoje istorije, menjani su nazivi i delimično nadležnosti, a od 21. oktobra 1932. godine postaje naučna ustanova spajanjem Agrobotaničkog odseka Poljoprivredne ogledne i kontrolne stanice u Topčideru i Poljoprivredne stanice u Kruševcu

Recent Submissions

Pre-sowing treatments with gibberellic acid in white clover
(University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture, 2021-05-27) Tomić, Dalibor; Stevović, Vladeta; Madović, Milomirka; Đurović, V.; Marjanović, Miloš; Lazarević, Đorđe; Petrović, Mirjana; Knežević, Jsmina
The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of pre-sowing treatments with different concentrations of gibberellic acid solution, as a growth stimulator, on root and stem growth, seedling weight and nodulation of young white clover plants. The experiment was performed in 2019 in the laboratory for seed seed control at the Faculty of Agriculture in Čačak. Seed of rivendel cultivar were used. Six treatments with gibberellic acid were applied (control, 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1.0 and 1.5 mmol L-1 gibberellic acid). Root length, stem length and seedling weight were evaluated. Seedlings from the parallel experiment were planted in containers with substrate and cultivate in the greenhouse.Plants were analyzed 45 days after treatment. The obtained results indicate that pre-sowing treatments with gibberellic acid at a concentration of 1 and 1.5 mmol L-1 can significantly affect more intensive growth of plants of white clover.
Suitability of field pea:oat and common vetch:oat mixtures for ensiling
(University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia, 2021-10-07) Marković, Jordan; Vasić, T.; Petrović, Mirjana; Milenković, Jasmina; Bekčić, Filip; Lazarević, Đorđe; Babić, Snežana
The practice of preserving green crops by fermentation as silage has increased dramatically in recent years. Successful ensiling can be difficult due to numerous problems such as: high moisture content, high feed buffer capacity, insufficient amount of fermentable carbohydrates etc. The aim of this investigation was to determine the suitability for ensiling field pea:oat and common vetch:oat mixtures grown at different seeding rate and harvested at different stages of growth. Field pea, common vetch and oat were grown in pure stands and in the mixtures of 75:25, 50:50 and 25:75 ratios and harvested at three stages of plant development: beginning of field pea and common vetch flowering, forming the first pods in field pea and common vetch and at the forming green seeds in 2/3 field pea and common vetch pods. The most favorable ratio of sugar and buffer capacity for the established level of dry matter in the examined crops was stated in pure oat crop. The results obtained in the mixtures of field pea and oat are based on the ratioof sugar and buffer capacity and can successfully ensile in all three examined relations of germinating grains of field pea and oats. The highest sugar content (182.1 g kg-1 DM) and the highest buffer capacity were determined in the 50:50 field pea:oat mixture at the pea flowering stage of development. The least favorable ratio of sugar and buffer capacity was found in pure common vetch.
Stability of wheat cultivars for yield and quality components in different agroecological conditions
(University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia, 2021-10-07) Luković, K.; Perišić, V.; Zečević, V.; Bratković, K.; Milovanović, M.; Babić, Snežana; Andjelković, Snežana
Stability of grain yield, 1000 kernel weight and sedimentation value were analyzed in 10 winter wheat cultivars (Perfekta, Toplica, KG-52/3, Merkur, Vizeljka, Talas, NS 40S, Zvezdana, Javorka and Pobeda), created in different breeding institutions in Serbia. The experiment was carried out during 2019/2020 in two localities: Centre for Small Grains in Kragujevac and Institute for Forage Crops in Kruševac, Serbia. The analyses of variance showed highly significant differences in grain yield, between genotypes, investigated localities, as well as their interaction. The influence of the locality did not show statistical significance on the expression of 1000 kernel weight and sedimentation value. The highest average values were recorded by Perfekta for grain yield, Zvezdana for 1000 kernel weight and KG-52/3 for sedimentation value at both localities. The AMMI model was used for analysis of genotype × environment interaction. The most stabile cultivars were Vizeljka, NS 40S and Perfekta with values above the average for grain yield. Cultivars Talas, KG-52/3 and Javorka showed the highest stability for the 1000 kernel weight. Cultivar Javorka had the highest, while Talas and KG-52/3 had the lowest average values for this trait. Vizeljka and KG-52/3 were the most stable genotypes for sedimentation value, with KG-52/3 achieving the highest values of the observed trait at the level of the entire experiment. Both analyzed locations had high interaction value for all three analyzed traits.
The effect of actinomycetes application on green mass yield of red clover
(University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia, 2021-10-07) Andjelković, Snežana; Lugić, Zoran; Babić, Snežana; Milenković, Jasmina; Jevtić, Goran; Marković, Jordan; Bekčić, Filip
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is one of the most important and widespread leguminous forage species in temperate agriculture, which is characterized by a high yield of quality biomass. Actinomycetes produce antibiotics and vitamins that act favourably on physiological processes in plants. These microorganisms are present in the soil, however the application of selected microorganisms for seed inoculation leads to better results in crop production. The experiment was carried out in vegetation pots in semi-controlled conditions. This research consisted of investigating the effect of actinomycetes (Streptomyces sp.) application on the green mass per plants of 12 cultivars of red clover of different geographical origin: K-27, K-32, K-38, K-39, Una, Kolubara, Viglana, Manuela, Wilo, Repio, Diana and Longevo. The effect of inoculation was determined out at the onset of flowering. The results obtained showed that the application of microorganisms could affect plant mass yield. The highest value for green mass per plant was achieved in cv. K-39 using inoculum that contained Streptomyces sp. The application of actinomycetes had a positive effect in the most cultivars of red clover and there was a statistically significant difference between inoculated treatments and control, indicating the justification of the use of these microorganisms in plant production.
Analysis of the relationship of the most important traits in meadow fescue
(University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia, 2021-10-07) Babić, Snežana; Sokolović, Dejan; Andjelković, Snežana; Petrović, Mirjana; Zornic, Vladimir; Prijović, Mladen; Bekčić, Filip
Meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) is one of the most important perennial grasses foranimal feed production on grasslands. It is characterized by high and stabile yield potential andgood biomass quality. The aim of this study was to determine genetic and phenotypic correlation coefficients of seven most important traits of two synthetic cultivars (Kruševački 21 and Pradel). Individual plants for hybridization, in order to obtain progeny by the method of Comstock and Robinson, were selected completely randomly. In order to examine the obtained progeny, the study was performed in an experimental field of the Institute for Forage Crops, in two replications. The experiment was set up according to the Nested Design I, with sets within the replications. In Kruševački 21, 60 full-sib progeny were studied in two sets, while in the Pradel a total of 39 full-sib progeny were studied. Within each full-sib progeny, 60 plants were analyzed. Statistically and high statistically relation was obtained between some traits and presented as genetic (rg) and phenotypic (rf) correlation coefficients. In cultivar K-21 very high statistically significant genetic correlation coefficients were determined between heading date and leaf length (rg=0.873**), plant height and number of generative tillers per plant (rg=0.893**) and dry matter yield in the first cut and annual dry matter yield (rg=0.988**). In cultivar Pradel very high statistically significant relationship was obtained between heading date and plant height (rg=0.978**), heading date and number of vegetative tillers per plant (rg=0.926**) and annual dry matter yield with one side, and plant height (rg=0.912**) and dry matter yield in the first cut (rg=0.978**), on the other side.